Friday 17 October 2014

How Can Develop SEO Friendly Website

How Can Develop SEO Friendly Website

There are a lot of people who want to develop their SEO friendly website. But they don’t know more about it. They think creation of SEO friendly website is very difficult but it is not true. If you want to develop your SEO friendly website then you have only need to good information about it. Then you can create your SEO friendly website. Here we have some good information about how can we develop SEO friendly website for all those who want to create a SEO friendly website.

Today every one wants to develop their SEO friendly website because there are many reasons of developing their own SEO friendly website like SEO turns the spot light on your sales business, SEO increases your sales, It is not more costly, SEO keeps your missing out on free advertising, SEO helps to find the website, SEO is a long term strategy etc. SEO is the process of increasing visibility on Google, yahoo and other search engine. Many people want to create their SEO friendly website.
There are some tips to create a website friendly. In beginning you need to make your URL structure friendly. A URL needs to be meaningful to search engines. Its mean URL name should have keywords in them, not gibbering numbers and punctuation marks. Some people disadvantage soon themselves on this score by using a content management system such as word press   and leaving URL generation on the default setting. After making the URL, it is important to check that the page that ought to be accessible to the search engines are actually open for crawling.  After it you need to create a page in the SEO friendly website. In which Keywords also play an important role because keywords are integral part of any SEO campaign. If you don’t include keywords in your content, Google may never find it, however good it is. A good SEO fits the various type of search intent like-navigational, informational, transactional and commercial. 

At the time of developing a SEO friendly website you should need to be careful and avoid from any type of untoward like duplicate content. You need to avoid the duplicate content. try to avoid the use of flash, if you have really a reason try to make it smaller because it cannot be read by the search engines to date and will cause slow page loading time and make people ran away. You should need to avoid using of frames because some search engine cannot spider web pages with frames at all. If you really want to make a SEO friendly website then you need to use the external cascading style sheets and java script files to reduce the page size. It only not reduces the page size it also makes the download time faster. It is very helpful to increase your ranking. Thus you can make your SEO friendly website.
In Website –
Use XML and HTML Site Map
Use Robots.txt File
Use Meta Tag (Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords)
Use <h> Tag for Heading
Make SEO Friendly URL
Add Google Webmaster and Google Analytics
Add Fresh Contenet in Website
Give Alt Name of Images
Check W3C Validation Errors

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Google Panda 4.1 Weekend Refresh?

Google Panda 4.1 Weekend Refresh?

A couple weeks ago, Google Algorithm updated. Google announced that, it was Google Panda 4.1 Update. It was big update and many ranks changed of keywords and major traffic shifts in google.

            Now, Google announced that Google Panda 4.1 still in the process. It's mean keywords rank will again up and down.

   I want to tell you if your website penalized. you should remove bad backlinks and update latest content in website. Content should be SEO Friendly and it should be fresh.


Friday 29 August 2014

Pull Back Penguine Update 3.0 August 2014

A Week or Two Week Ago! Big changes in Google algorithm. I was expecting Google Penguin 3.0 launched.

I was wrong after some days ranking back of clients. I think Google was testing something related to penguin and it decided to pull back.

I believe, Google very soon it will update algorithm related Penguin and it will launch any other day!.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Google Panda Update - 8 August 2014

Google Update around 8th and 9th August --

We are discussing  with many seo experts they are also saying big changes with traffic, some traffic down and some traffic increase -- 

We are sharing you screen shots from the different tools at MozCast,, SERP Metrics and Algoroo:

Now we are waiting of  Google Comment on the update.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Google Gives Preference HTTPS/SSL sites

Google Gives Preference HTTPS/SSL sites 

Google announced that they are now using SSL/HTTPS as a ranking signal in their Google search algorithm.

Now google will show https as a ranking signal. 

Google has told many times .. google gave advice 

    Google Says should know which certificate you need single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
    Google Says Use 2048-bit key certificates
    Google says Use protocol relative URLs for all other domains
    Follow google webmasters rules  to get more guidelines on how to change your website’s address
    Google Says  Use Robots.txt file to block https site from crawling 

Sunday 3 August 2014

Google Pigeon Update 2014

Google Pigeon Update July 2014

Google new algorthim updating. It's calling Google Pigeon. Google changeing map listing.

Google Mapping Before -

After Google Pigeon Update